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Travel Activities

Game on Fenway Park: The Ultimate Boston Red Sox Baseball Experience

June 17, 2022 0


Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts, is home to the Boston Red Sox, the city’s beloved baseball team. Since 1912, Fenway Park has hosted millions of fans from all over the world as they cheer on their beloved Sox. The stadium itself has been designated as a national landmark by the National Park Service and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places because of its cultural and historical significance to sports fans everywhere. So if you’re planning on visiting Beantown anytime soon and want to catch a game on Fenway, here are the 7 things you need to know before you go!

Know your ballpark etiquette

There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re heading to Fenway Park for your first baseball game. First, don’t be afraid to be a tourist and ask questions. Locals aren’t going to judge you for being a bit ignorant about how things work at their stadium. And if you do get some funny looks, just smile back with that can-do attitude we all know is part of your personality! Second, don’t miss out on any of these top five experiences

Know your score

At Fenway Park, baseball isn’t just a game; it’s an experience. However, you don’t need to live in Boston to see a game at America’s Most Beloved Ballpark. Fortunately, NESN is here with all your questions about game day at Fenway. So pick up those peanuts and cracker jacks and check out Game On Fenway for information that will get you prepared for anything – even a chance meeting with royalty!

Get ready with your gear

Every sports fan has a different style of apparel that they like to wear while they’re watching their favorite team play. If you’re going to be watching a game on Fenway Park in Boston, MA., you should get yourself prepared by making sure you have your team-colored clothing and some souvenirs to commemorate your time there. One thing we found during our last trip was that there is no shortage of things for fans to buy before and after a game. Whether it be caps, jerseys, shirts or t-shirts, there are souvenirs with every logo imaginable.

Go crazy when they score

You’re at a baseball game. What do you do when your team scores? Do you holler for joy, or quickly save your chicken wings to make sure they don’t go cold? Are you a fan who stands up and cheers with everyone else in your section, or do you prefer to stand and look around with everyone else in your section? When I ask people what they do when their team scores, I’m usually surprised by their responses. For example, I recently asked three of my family members how they would react if their favorite baseball team (the Oakland A’s) scored a run. They all reacted differently.

Take it all in

No matter where you sit at Fenway Park, whether it’s up high in the bleachers or down close to home plate, one thing is clear—you’re witnessing something special. Unlike a lot of stadiums, where views can be obstructed by patrons and stadium personnel, there are no bad seats at Fenway Park. Sure, some will argue that there’s not much difference between lower-level boxes and premium seating right behind home plate—but just remember, wherever you sit at any sporting event there will always be someone who thinks they have a better view than you. Just take in your surroundings and try to soak up as much of what makes Fenway Park so special as possible!

Stay safe and follow the rules

There are certain rules that you must follow when going to a baseball game at Fenway Park in Boston. For example, there is a strict no-smoking policy that applies to everyone attending. In addition, there is no re-entry allowed once you’ve left your seat. Also, people that wish to enter a concession stand or visit an area of The Green Monster must have their ticket stubs punched.

Be prepared for some traffic before and after the game

While there are over 4,000 parking spaces at Fenway Park, they fill up quickly. And with thousands of fans entering and exiting at once, it’s not unusual for them to back up traffic in certain areas—namely Yawkey Way, Brookline Avenue, Van Ness Street and Lansdowne Street. To make sure you don’t miss any of the action during your visit to Fenway Park, allow yourself plenty of time to find a parking spot and plan for travel around that area once you do. If you park in one of downtown Boston’s garages or lots before attending a game, be aware that most of these close an hour after games end—be sure to check hours ahead of time so you can avoid getting stuck after games.


Shane Doe

Thank you for reading my blog! My name Shane Doe (1995). I write about three important topics of my life: Travel, Foods and Travel activities. Travel is my hobby and this is my profession too. I working with major brands which pay me for travelling.

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